The History of Mr. Polly 1949 映画 日本語字幕

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「The History of Mr Polly」(H G Wells 1230000891318 ~ And Mr Polly sat on the stile and hated the whole scheme of life—which was at once excessive and inadequate as a solution He hated Foxbourne he hated Foxbourne High Street he hated his shop and his wife and his neighbours—every blessed neighbour—and with indescribable bitterness he hated himself

History of Mr Polly ~ Mr Polly is an ordinary middleaged man who is tired of his wife’s nagging and his dreary job as the owner of a regional gentleman’s outfitters Faced with the threat of bankruptcy he concludes that the only way to escape his frustrating existence is by burning his shop to the ground and killing himself

ハーバート・ジョージ・ウェルズ Wikipedia ~ The History of Mr Polly 1910 『ポーリー氏の生涯』 A Short History of Mankind 1925 Mr Belloc Objects to the Outline of History 1926 Wells Social Anticipations 1927 The Way the World is Going 1928 The Book of Catherine Wells 1928

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Amazon The History of Mr Polly Herbert George Wells ~ One day Mr Polly connives a way out of his marriage Hell slit his throat and burn his house down while Miriam is at church Mr Polly succeeds in alighting the but when his trousers catch aflame his memory or inclination towards cutting his throat disappears

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